Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Class Websites

For our final in my technology class our assignment was to create a website showcasing our different technology projects that we have completed through the class. Personally, I love this idea instead of a test on how to use the different programs that we have used through the year. Thinking more about creating sites, I think that having a classroom site would be an excellent tool for teachers. My goal for having a classroom site would be to allow greater communication between parents, teachers, and the students.

We have used google Google Sites in creating our first websites which has been a great experience. I have found that uploading and creating different pages is a breeze with this program. At first I was worried it would be hard to figure out, but to my surprise it was not! Also, there are many different applications which I have not even used yet in creating my site that would be useful to a classroom site. I have not tried any other programs in creating sites, but if anyone reading this loves a different website creator let me know!

Please check out my Website and give me some feedback on more ideas. Keep in mind this is the first time Ihave ever made one, so there are still some kinks to work out!

Back to creating classroom sits, I think foremost it is vital to make it easy to read and navigate through for all the users. Also, for the creator, you, because you don't want to have to set away a ton of time every day or week to update your site. Updating is important for a classroom site. My goal is not to just create a site on the first day and never change a thing, instead use the site as a window of conversation and showcase of student work. By uploading pictures (after getting consent) of projects completed by students, such as digital posters, pictures, concept maps, drawings, or podcast.

Another neat way to use your blog would be to have a classroom blog that is updated through the semester or year. It seems like not matter how cool the lesson at school was seven times out of ten the kids when asked what did you learn at school today from parents will say nothing. This way the parents will be more informed about the day-to-day happenings in the classroom and know about what activities and the progress being made by the kids.

On this first site I made, which is a somewhat hybrid of my technology class and what my classroom site would look like, I created an extra credit corner. As of now I only have a couple links, but as the semester goes by I would post more options. I know some people are not fond of the idea of extra credit, however we all have bad days and bomb assignments, therefore I think some extra credit always on hand is more of an action of grace than a freebie.

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